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Breaking News

Q Mobile J5500 PARTY SPD 6531E

Q Mobile J5500 PARTY Flash file  SPD 6531E

Q Mobile J5500 PARTY Flash file

Q Mobile J5500 PARTY Flash file

EXE: Avengers Spreadtrum Module 0.8
ACTION: Dump FullFlash
Start Detect phone...
Detected: SPRD U2S Diag (COM62)
Sending loader, keep boot key untill loader start.
Loader OK: Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.2
Changing bautrate OK.
Send Second Loader.
Q Mobile J5500 PARTY Flash file  SPD 6531E
Flash ID: [C86016] GigaDevice: [0x400000]GD25LQ32B size: 0x400000
SN: 92132790498808
Reading flash, wait....Q Mobile J5500 PARTY  SPD 6531E
Backup saved: C:\Users\BHAI ASIM\Documents\spreadtrum_module\backup\spd_fullflash\SC6531E_GD25LQ32B_92132790498808_saved_full_.bin
Total Time: 00:00:13
Q Mobile J5500 PARTY Flash file  SPD 6531E



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