Qmobile infinix Reno 2 Flash File
Qmobile infinix Reno 2 Flash File
Action : Read Firmware. Selected 0-By CPU:ELBRUS
Exe version: Avengers Box MTK 0.7.2
Reinsert phone battery.
Battery must be charged.
Phone must be off with battery inside.
Please insert USB cable now...
Detected : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM4)
Boot mode: Preloader
Phone detected...Please wait
BBCHIP: 6570 0 ca00
Using Algo 6.
Helio MT6570 phone detected, swithing to helio api
Helio enabled DRAM in First Da: TRUE
Sending loader.....
[1]Storage EMMC
EMMC FW VERSION: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
EMMC CID: 11010030303847 : 000000000000000000
EMMC UA SIZE: 0x1d2000000
FULL LENGTH: 0x1d2c00000 [7.293 GB]
Detecting high speed port, wait......
If driver not installed, install high speed port driver.
If not need high speed port, disable it.
After repeat opperation.
Detected : MediaTek DA USB VCOM (Android) (COM8)
[system]Reading info, wait...
Build ID: MRA58K
Display ID: infinix Reno 2_A616EB_V203E3_2020010319011578052594
Version: 6.0
Build Date: Fri Jan 3 19:56:34 CST 2020
Model: infinix Reno 2
Brand: Q Mobile
Device: infinix_Reno_2
Manufacturer: Q Mobile
FRP partition: /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/11120000.msdc0/by-name/frp
Mediatek Version Release: alps-mp-m0.mp23-V1.32.3_magc6570.cweg.m_P9
IMEI[1]: 351514e
IMEI[2]: 351514e
Start dumping flash, this can take up to 1 hour.......
Dumping Preloader.
Partition: proinfo
Partition: nvram
Partition: protect1
Partition: protect2
Partition: seccfg
Partition: lk
Partition: boot
Partition: recovery
Partition: para
Partition: logo
Partition: expdb
Partition: frp
Partition: md1img
Partition: nvcfg
Partition: nvdata
Partition: metadata
Partition: oemkeystore
Partition: secro
Partition: keystore
Partition: system
Partition: cache
Partition: userdata
Partition: flashinfo
Start processing proinfo.bin ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x80000 - LEN: 0x300000
Start processing nvram.bin ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x380000 - LEN: 0x500000
Start processing protect1.img ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x880000 - LEN: 0xa00000
Start processing protect2.img ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x1280000 - LEN: 0xa00000
Start processing lk
Start processing boot
Start processing recovery
Start processing logo ......
Start processing md1img
Start processing system
Reading: BEGIN: 0xc000000 - LEN: 0x60000000
Saved to : C:\ProgramData\Android_MTK_Backup_Folder\firmware_backup\MT6570_EMMC_MRA58K__6_0_infinix Reno 2_Q Mobile_2020_07_22_19_15)
[helio]Wait untill phone will start charging.
[0]All done.
Qmobile infinix Reno 2 Flash File
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